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Ditched Our Ride!

Silas and I decided not to take the moped to get his weekend juice-box…on foot we went…and saw fun things on the way! Solidarity with those who lack access to treatment for HIV or who have to go far to get the lifesaving medications!

AIDS 2012 – Politics, Suffering, Power, Reality

As I’m sitting here in Washington DC, following different sessions and workshop on the progress and what still needs to be done in the fight against HIV and AIDS, it is interesting to see the different “actors” and people who are engaging in the struggle – and what motivates them. The most encouraging moment I had so far was briefly meeting Rick Warren and having a moment of exchange on sustainability and ownership. Saddleback is doing some great work in Rwanda! I also sat in on many sessions, and participated in workshops on the latest in social media and HIV and AIDS. Here are a few photos.


Group Photo at the Interfaith Pre-Conference


US Ambassador for AIDS, Eric Goosby, and Director of the CDC, Thomas Frieden during the Interfaith Pre-Conference


President DeGioia, Georgetown University, opening a symposium on Faith and HIV


Kay Warren shares about her calling to work with others who are fighting AIDS, and how she was completely ignorant on the suffering this pandemic causes – until God broke her heart on the issue!


This was one of the funnest session. Leveraging Social Media in the fight against AIDS. And the cool bit was the live feed of #social4hiv – whatever I posted showed up on the screen, and I even asked some questions on twitter that the panel then addressed over the microphone – it was fun!